If you've watched my YouTube videos, you know that I’ve moved into my old apartment recently and did a massive cleaning, renovation and decluttering. And today, when everything is done, I have that thought, – why does it feel so satisfying to declutter?
I've noticed this long ago actually, that cleaning my apartment and decluttering and organizing things makes me feel so good. Decluttered, clean spaces keep me in a good mood, and in general make me feel happier. I can concentrate on my thoughts and plans and be more productive.
So I thought, – is there any scientific proof why it happens? And I did my research. And found some really interesting information I’d like to share with you.
WAIT! If you’re more of a visual learner, check out my YouTube video where I detail everything in this post.
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In short, scientific studies show that clutter can be bad for your physical and mental health. It means that at least moving in, moving out or seasonal decluttering can benefit your overall well-being.
So let me share with you 5 ways decluttering can make you healthier – both physically and mentally.
1. Decluttering can reduce your stress levels
According to recent research, clutter can cause feelings of stress, fatigue, and depression. A University of California study found intriguing links between levels of the stress hormone cortisol and depressed mood in households, whose owners described their homes as "cluttered" or full of "unfinished projects". Especially when it comes to wifes, so the study showed that a home environment is especially important to women.
And I’d like to give a citation from the study here:
Given that everyday levels of cortisol and depressed mood may influence long-term physical and psychological health outcomes, these results illustrate the importance of individuals’ perceptions of the home environment for both proximal and distal well-being.The study also shows that wifes, who described their homes as more restorative, showed decreased depressed mood across the day. Meaning that, those who focused on restful features of their homes or features that incorporated nature, showed across-the-day decrease in depressed mood levels.
To me personally, this study shows how it really is in my life. I’ve noticed long ago that cluttered space makes me feel depressed and anxious, I cannot concentrate on the tasks planned and I cannot enjoy my day even if something good is happening.
On the contrary, being in a decluttered space makes me feel more calm, happy and it’s easier for me to concentrate. Have you noticed such correlation?
2. Decluttering can improve your sleep
Since decluttering reduces stress, it’s no surprise it can affect your sleep. But what can help even more is keeping your bedroom decluttered. I’ve read an article recently about a woman who struggled with insomnia. And guess what? Decluttering therapy helped her out!
“Science has shown a direct correlation between clutter and sleep deprivation,” says psychologist and sleep specialist Whitney Roban, PhD, founder of Solve Our Sleep, who recommends decluttering to clients who struggle with insomnia. “A disorganized room leads to a disorganized brain. The brain is subconsciously distracted by clutter, and when the brain is too active, it causes longer sleep latency (time to fall asleep) and more night wakings.”
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To be honest, to me this is not the issue, as far as I can see. But, if you have the feeling that clutter affects your sleep, you might be interested in this article that shows correlation between sleep disorder and decluttering.
3. Decluttering can boost your productivity
Clutter is visually distracting and it can affect your ability to concentrate on one thing at a time. You may think you’re not distracted by all that mess around you.
But scientists at Princeton University have found out that the human brain likes order. According to the study, constant visual distractions drain our cognitive resources, in other words, they interfere with our ability to process information and reduce our ability to focus.
They also found that after the participants decluttered their work environment, they were able to focus and process information better, and their productivity increased.
As for me, that’s what I experience every time I have my apartment decluttered. Clutter totally captures my mind, and it’s hard for me to concentrate on my plans. I just can’t feel calm and think my thoughts. And you?
4. Decluttering can help you eat better
The stress triggered by your clutter may also trigger overeating “comfort foods,” according to a Cornell University study from 2016. According to the study, clutter is more likely to lead to eating unhealthy snacks than eating healthy ones.
Of course, there may be multiple reasons why people eat more poorly in cluttered spaces. But, just in case, I think it’s a good idea to make cooking and dining areas decluttered.
5. Decluttering can help you lose weight
A study made at Florida State University has revealed a link between hoarding (read: clutter) and obesity, noting that people with extremely cluttered homes were 77% more likely to be overweight.
It’s worth mentioning that clutter-linked weight gain may also point to one’s busy lifestyle. When we are in a rush we are more likely to eat what’s handy, like fast food, which in turn leads to obesity.
While in a more organized home, there’s more time to plan and cook healthy meals – as well as more time to eat more slowly, with no rush.
Final thoughts
Despite the benefits mentioned, decluttering gives you more time for yourself and your family, and helps to establish a healthier, more balanced life.
Besides, there are lots of decluttering & organizing techniques out there, such as Kon Marie, FlyLady or even the concept of minimalism. Each technique has its pros and cons, and you can choose the one that is right for you.
But what I suggest is to look at decluttering through an everyday aesthetics concept perspective. The main idea of which is to keep only those things that bring joy and benefit (if you do not live alone, then each of the family members is involved in the decluttering process).
That’s basically it for now. Have you experienced any of the issues mentioned? Did you manage to cope with them? I’d like to hear from you! And, if you have any tips on how you declutter, share in the comments section below.
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